A/B - Bomboviská na mape A (väčšie) B(menšie) bomberman - nosič bomby bombplace - bombovisko (miesto dke sa pokladá bomba) CT - Counter Teorists(policajt) T - Terorists(terorista) defus - odistenie headshot - strela do hlavy spawn - začiatok hry CT/T AFK - Away From the Keyboard (mimo klavesnice) omg - oh my god (o môj bože) omfg - oh my fucking god (o môj .... bože) lol - lot of laught (smiech) rofl - rolling of the floor (viac než lol) n1 - number 1 (čislo jedna = najlepši) lama - hráč, ktorý to nevie hrať noob - skrátene newbie newbie - začiatočník looser - debil, smoliar btw - by to way (mimochodom) mmnt - moment hi - ahoj nice - pekne wtf - what the fuck nvm - neviem dpc - do piči kkt - kokot TK - team kill (zabíjanie týmových hráčov) TA - team attack (strielanie vlastných hráčov) eco - kolo v ktorom sa nič nekupuje deco - kolo v ktorom sa nič nekupuje iba deagle rush - kolo bez zastavenia walk - chodenie potichu (Shift) Nick - meno hráča Skiller - dobrý hráč thx - thanks (dakujem)
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Several people ask why the Rolex Replica are so cheap if they are as good as the original brands, and why the original timepieces have such big price tags. The answer to this question is extremely simple. One of the main reasons why the original watches are expensive is due to the cost incurred on the promotion and advertising of the brands. These brands pay a huge sum to top celebrities to endorse their brand merchandise.Although the Rolex replica watches are cheap, they can give their original counterparts a run for their money in term of visual characteristics, aesthetic looks, and functionality.